I am working on self reported cross section data set. Most of the variable are ordinal in nature. There is some missing values in those variable. Except my dependent variable (Which is ordinal) all independent variable having some missing value (each variable 10-15% missing value). I tried compute it through mi using ologit. I am keeping M =20 (as recommended by stata code book) and random number seed = 1234 (I am still having little confusing regarding the use of Random no .seed). after imputing missing values for one variable, my total observation is increasing. like before imputing it is 1953 and after imputing it become 6133. if I am doing the same procedure for other variable it is increasing further. one more important thing during mi procedure my independent variable is only one variable corresponding to my imputed variable because if i am including other variable as independent variable it is showing error because other independent variable having some missing value. Why my observation is increasing this much and how to solve this issue?