
I'm estimating a model where I have 74,000 equations, and I want to export the estimators to an excel matrix.
My loop looks like this:

putexcel set elasticities.xls, replace

foreach z of {

foreach v of num 1/273 {

display `v'
gen ln_proportion`v' = ln(proportion`v')

foreach k of num 1/273 {

display `k'
reg ln_proportion`v' p_q`v' price`v' pr`k' income
putexcel `z'`k' = e(b)


The problem is the outside of the loop, cause I don't know how to assign the corresponding letters to the rows on excel (A,B,C....AA,AB,AC)

I was thinking of using the tokenize command to generate the whole ABCDEFGH.... code and break it into small parts but I haven't used it before and can't figure out how to do it.