Hello Intelligent People,

The version of STATA i am using is 14.2 on a Windows 10

Here is a glimpse of what my data looks like
methods1 method2 method3 method4 method5
yes no yes yes yes
no no no yes no
no yes yes yes yes
no no no no no
yes no no yes yes
no no no no no
no no no no no
yes yes no yes no
no no no no no
yes yes no no yes
So basically i am trying to create a new variable i.e. no_method. I believe that this variable can be derived from the responses of the respondents. So if non of the respondents
have used any method, it will be counted as an observation of "no_method".
So from the data above, there are 4 respondents who have used no method at all

I would be most obliged to you if you could please let me know how to create a new variable no_method.

Kind Regards