Hi there,

I have the following code in stata:

*Form 4
generate Form4= 1 if Performance2018 ==1 & form== "4"
replace Form4= 0 if Performance2018==0 & form=="4"
replace Form4= 3 if Performance2018==3 & form=="4"
replace Form4= 5 if Performance2018==5 & form=="4"
label values Form4 Einteilung

egen tag2018 = tag(Form4 cik)
generate distinctform2018= 1 if tag2018 ==1 & Form4 == 1 & year ==2018
replace distinctform2018 = 3 if tag2018 ==1 & Form4 == 3 & year ==2018
replace distinctform2018 = 0 if tag2018 ==1 & Form4 == 0 & year ==2018
replace distinctform2018 = 5 if tag2018 ==1 & Form4 == 5 & year ==2018
label values distinctform2018 Einteilung
drop tag2018

egen tag2018 = tag(distinctform2018 Form4)
bysort cik Form4: gen Form4forms2018 = _N
generate Form4_gute2018= Form4forms2018 if Form4 ==1 & distinctform2018 == 1
generate Form4_schlechte2018= Form4forms2018 if Form4 ==0 & distinctform2018 == 0

drop Form4 distinctform2018 tag2018 Form4forms2018

My concern is to repeat this Code for every year till 2009. Is it possible with a for loop code that only the year (2018, 2017,2016,2015...) will change? Otherwise i have copy and paste the whole code and change the year manually.

Thank you a lot in advance!

