Dear Statalisters,

I am using Stata version 14.2. to run a two-step difference GMM using the following command

roae bod_size bod_independence ssb_size bod_diversity auditcommittee shareholder1 shareholder5 age bank_size assets_growth oper_exp_to_ta car_percentage inflation gdpgrowth wgi, twostep vce (robust)
I run the following command to get Arellano-Bond test:
estat abond
then I run the following command (after I removed vce (robust) option) to get Sargan test.
estat abond
I have run the regression for different specifications. To save each regression I have used
eststo m1
Now I want to display a formatted regression table. I used the following command for this purpose
esttab using Difference-GMM-two-step-ROAE.rtf, nogap compress b(2) p(2) scalars (N N_g) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) label

My question; How I can add Arellano-Bond and Sargan tests results to esttab options so it can be shown along with the repression results in the table.