Hi there,

I'm using the "profileplot" command to plot sales data (public expenditure, GBP per 1000 population) over time (from 2013 to 2018) for 31 countries.

My code thus far is:
profileplot cost_13_pop cost_14_pop cost_15_pop cost_16_pop cost_17_pop cost_18_pop, ///
by(Country2) graphregion(fcolor(white)) xtitle(" ") ///
xlabel(1 "2013" 2 "2014" 3 "2015" 4 "2016" 5 "2017" 6 "2018") msymbol(i) ///
legend(cols(1) pos(2) size(vsmall)) ///
ytitle("Public expenditure" "(£ per 1000 population)" " ")

which produces this graph: Array

I have four questions I require help with:
1. the graph seems to combine the 31 countries into 15 - is there a way around this or is 15 the max number the graph can handle?
2. can "mean" be removed from the legend?
3. can "Variables" be removed from the x-axis? I've tried using xtitle(" ") but this didn't work
4. how can I order the countries in the legend by descending (i.e. Ireland is the top line so I want this to come first in the legend rather than alphabetical order)

Thanks for your time and advice,