Hello everyone!
I am planning to run a fractional response model with sample selection. I wonder if it is possible to do so with a CMP command by David Roodman ?
In a thread https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...l-added-to-cmp , it is mentioned that fractional model has been added to cmp. And in the original paper(Fitting fully observed recursive mixed-process models with cmp) by the author , commands for various probit models with heckman are given. My questions are:
1)can they be extended to frcational response model?
is a command like this correct?:
cmp (part = EDU DISTANCE GENDER i.Year* ) (SHARE= EDU GENDER i.Year* ), ind( $cmp_probit $cmp_frac )
where DISTANCE is the exclusion restriction for the model?
2) If the command is correct, can it be used in panel data by adding 'cluster(id)'?