I am using the following codes. would it be possible for me to simplify these and make them shorter. I am always getting the advice to write shortest codes but sometimes i feel it is not possible.

gen are = S2_Q2AK * S2_Q2BK
gen ki = S2_Q3AK * S2_Q3BK

gen pre = S2_Q2AP * S2_Q2BP
gen cul = S2_Q3AP * S2_Q3BP

gen dek = S2_Q2D * S2_Q2BD
gen wat = S2_Q3AD * S2_Q3BD

egen own = rowtotal ( are pre dek)

egen cul = rowtotal (ki cul wat)

Thank you in advance for all the advice i have received here. it has been so helpful with university all closing and having limited access to computer labs.