I now face the following problem:
webuse auto,clear lab var make "STATA#1, 90" lab var price "STATA#11, 90" lab var mpg "STATA#22, 91" lab var rep78 "STATA#2, 91" lookfor make price mpg rep78 local varlist= r(varlist) local counter=0 foreach var in `varlist' { local varlab: var lab `var' //extract the whole variable label string //di "`varlab'" local varlaby = real(reverse(substr(reverse("`varlab'"),1,2))) + 1900 //extract the last two digits in the label and add it by 1900 di "`varlaby'" local varlabm = real(substr("`varlab'"),7,2) //extract the number after #. //This command fails in the cases of make and rep78 and succeeds for price and mpg. //I am looking for a general solution to this problem di "`varlabm'" }
Thank you!
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