Hi to everybody,
I have done for the first time "Box plot by group with data point"

By default, Stata gives me graphs with the same colors. Does anyone know how to change the color of the boxes? I would need 9 different colors (one for Pups_a, one colour for Pups_b ecc)
below the syntax I wrote

twoway rbar lqt med Contesto_num, barw(.5) fcolor(gs12) lcolor(black) || ///
rbar med uqt Contesto_num, barw(.5) fcolor(gs12) lcolor(black) || ///
scatter Complex Contesto_num, graphregion(fcolor(gs15)) mcolor(black) msymbol(Oh) ///
legend(off) xlabel( 1 ".Pups_a" 2 ".Pups_b" 3 ".Pups_c" 4 ".aleF_a" 5 ".aleF_b" 6 ".aleF_c" 7 "FF_a" 8 "FF_b" 9 "FF_a" ) ///
ytitle(Complex score)

Thanks to everybody