Hello All, I am trying to use suest command after effects.
use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/cattaneo2

teffects ra (bweight prenatal1 mmarried mage fbaby) (mbsmoke) [iweight=fedu] if foreign==0

est store foreign0

teffects ra (bweight prenatal1 mmarried mage fbaby) (mbsmoke) [iweight=fedu] if foreign==1

est store foreign1

suest foreign0 foreign1

Error message:

foreign0 was estimated with a nonstandard vce (robust)

According to the SUEST command manual from stata, the robust VCE should not be used. I tried using other VCE types. However, some of them do not accept weights such as bootstrap, and others such as JACKKNIFE is time-consuming
any recommendations