I am trying to figure out how to predict probability of participating in different treatments (or multivalued treatment). Since the entreat ( ) equation does not allow mlogit option, I am not sure how to do it. In the following example below, I have created 'program1' a multivalued treatment. But the prediction is not for two different types of programs ( program1==1, program1==2). Any suggestions to graph the probabilities of participation for the two different treatments?
Thank you so much for your kind help.
use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/class10,clear
clonevar program1= program 
replace program1=2 if program==1 & _n <1000
eprobit graduate income i.roommate, endogenous(hsgpa = income i.hscomp) entreat(program1 = i.campus i.scholar income, pocorrelation) vce(robust)
replace campus=1
replace scholar=1
predict p1 , pr equation(program1)
twoway line p1 income, sort