Hello everyone,

I’m trying to replicate the “WVS 5” country fixed effects model (Bayerl & Best, 2018) with newer data: Array

However, I’m really struggling with the country fixed effects model. The dependent variable is “environmental consciousness” (envgro; a dummy that is either 1 or 0) and the observations are nested in countries (B_COUNTRY). How am I supposed to code this in Stata?

So far I’ve tried two things. First I tried allocating dummies to all the countries with the command below – however it didn’t work, Stata simply never stopped trying to compute this:

xtmelogit envgro oecd gdpgrowth c.C_gdp10000##c.postmat relinc gender C_agedec age2 i.B_COUNTRY || B_COUNTRY:

I also couldn’t do it like this:


xtreg envgro c.C_gdp10000##c.postmat relinc gender C_agedec age2 || B_COUNTRY: (I removed the variables oecd and gdpgrowth as they don’t differ within countries)

It also didn’t work and gave me various error messages and never stopped computing either.

The dataset has around 65k observations which are nested in 45 countries, so it shouldn't really be too big to compute.

Does anyone have an idea what I could be doing wrong? Grateful for any responses!