Hi everyone, I'm using Stata 16 to make a chloropleth map of Connecticut.
Reading the posts on here, I tried using geo2xy to correct the problem, but I don't know what I am doing wrong because the map is still stretched out.

The shapefile was gotten from here: http://magic.lib.uconn.edu/connecticut_data.html

I've tried to follow this post: https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...-geo2xy-on-ssc

Which worked, but I don't know how to apply it to my example. When I do try, I keep getting the stretched out map as a result.

NEVERMIND, I WAS ABLE TO FIGURE THIS OUT. Turns out, I need to save the ct_lat_long file after using geo2xy to alter the coordinates.

cd "C:spatial files\townct_37800_0000_2010_s100_census_1_shp\townct_37800_0000_2010_s100_census_1_shp\wgs84"

spshape2dta townct_37800_0000_2010_s100_census_1_shp_wgs84.shp, saving(cttowns) replace

 use "C:spatial files\townct_37800_0000_2010_s100_census_1_shp\townct_37800_0000_2010_s100_census_1_shp\wgs84\cttowns.dta"

sort NAME10
ren NAME10 townsct169str
replace townsct169str = proper(trim(townsct169str))

save "cttowns.dta", replace

geo2xy _CY _CX, gen(latitude_y longitude_x) project(mercator)
save "ct_towns_lat_long.dta", replace

save "cttowns.dta", replace

keep townsct169str _ID _CX _CY
save ct_towns_lat_long.dta
use "ct_towns_lat_long.dta",clear
sort townsct169str
save "ct_towns_lat_long.dta", replace

import excel "C:CDP to towns, victimnumber.xls", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow clear

sort townsct169str

merge townsct169str using ct_towns_lat_long.dta

drop if _ID==.

grmap VictimNumber

spset, modify coordsys(latlong)

use "cttowns_shp.dta", clear
geo2xy _Y _X, replace
save "cttowns_shp_xy.dta", replace

use "cttowns.dta", clear
spset, modify shpfile(cttowns_shp_xy)


import excel "C:CDP to towns, victimnumber.xls", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow clear

sort townsct169str

use "ct_towns_lat_long.dta",clear
sort townsct169str
save "ct_towns_lat_long.dta", replace

merge townsct169str using ct_towns_lat_long.dta

drop if _ID==.

grmap VictimNumber

use "Victim201719file.dta", clear
grmap VictimNumber