Dear All, I have this graph
by the following data and code.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(growth lprivo) str3 code
  .6176451  2.752746 "ARG"
 1.9751474  4.004016 "AUS"
  2.889185  4.178968 "AUT"
  .7082631 2.6060796 "BGD"
  2.652859  3.704847 "BRB"
 2.6513345 3.2444575 "BEL"
  .3550578 2.5758026 "BOL"
 2.9300966  3.065546 "BRA"
 2.3859885 4.1086454 "CAN"
 1.4469954   3.32541 "CHL"
 2.2270143  3.094773 "COL"
 1.6136966 3.0807066 "CRI"
  5.384184  4.127378 "CYP"
 2.1793702  3.748256 "DNK"
  2.498769 2.9503646 "DOM"
  2.388093  2.889542 "ECU"
 -.6075561 3.1289306 "SLV"
 1.8458964  3.163393 "FJI"
  2.798494  3.947039 "FIN"
  2.431281  4.323712 "FRA"
  2.453688  4.336713 "DEU"
 -.9631622 1.6240644 "GHA"
   3.22405   3.60341 "GRC"
  .9292306  2.589061 "GTM"
-.28062087  3.021234 "GUY"
 -.6579341  2.042972 "HTI"
  .5977848 3.1720316 "HND"
  3.012389 3.5494244 "ISL"
  1.915168 2.9719946 "IND"
  3.254494 3.8947036 "IRL"
  2.810969  3.622525 "ISR"
 2.9329815 4.0790596 "ITA"
  .4177902  3.200545 "JAM"
  4.304759  4.854981 "JPN"
  1.962509 3.1259286 "KEN"
  7.156855 4.1817265 "KOR"
 -.4721583  2.318493 "LBR"
  4.114544 3.8480165 "MYS"
  6.652838 3.7835095 "MLT"
  3.024178 3.1929696 "MUS"
 1.9739418  3.130883 "MEX"
  .7671511  2.044247 "NPL"
 2.2005773 4.4623857 "NLD"
 1.1241318  3.626801 "NZL"
 -2.751478  2.568801 "NER"
  3.182494  4.402111 "NOR"
  2.698163 3.0333946 "PAK"
 2.0271885  3.694385 "PAN"
 1.1203711  3.037085 "PNG"
 2.3819315 2.6755195 "PRY"
 .06020596  2.589619 "PER"
 1.1587406 3.2949524 "PHL"
   3.64731 4.0075636 "PRT"
 -.4378241 3.3143885 "SEN"
 -.3398342 1.6226246 "SLE"
  .3920211  4.275775 "ZAF"
  2.880327  4.175143 "ESP"
 2.7045984 2.7856154 "LKA"
 1.8881342 4.4898977 "SWE"
 1.4218653  4.950846 "CHE"
  2.511772 2.1776114 "SYR"
  6.624734  4.057945 "TWN"
  4.876695  3.856032 "THA"
  .4627753 3.0857854 "TGO"
 1.1207864 3.4465425 "TTO"
 1.9622195  3.835404 "GBR"
  1.712265   4.72797 "USA"
 1.0253086 3.0545275 "URY"
 -.8835508  3.500184 "VEN"
-2.8119445 1.4072825 "ZAR"
  .8381555  3.137074 "ZWE"

twoway (scatter growth lprivo, mlabel(code) ms(oh)) (lfit growth lprivo), ytitle(growth) legend(off)
I'd like to have a short line (for example, Netherlands, France, Portugal) like the following graph (Note that the data sets are different).
Any suggestions? Thanks.