Hello all,

First and foremost, thank you in advance to anybody that is able to help out. I tried searching Statalist and Google for a solution or something that could point me in the right direction but I have had no luck. Now to the issue.

Version information: Stata version 15, current update level is 21 Mar 2019; tabout version 3

Data background: This is a single year survey that has been weighted using the -svy- command. I cannot upload it or portions of it due to contractual and data sensitivity reasons.

Issue: I am attempting to produce survey weighted cross tabulation tables which contains an outcome variable (on top of table) by 6 cross variables (rows). For some of the cross variables, none of the respondents selected a response option, but for the other cross variables they have selected all options so there are no missing data. This may be hard to visualize so I will create a fake data table below to visually show what is occurring. The -tabout- has an option of -show(all)- that should fix this issue, but is not; Stata also returns an error stating to use this option that I'm already using, but it appears to not be processing this option since it's already apart of my code. I have also tried including the -mi- option, but this doesn't work either. I have referenced the manual and I have not had any luck.

My code
foreach var of varlist been_homeless {
.         quietly tabout age_cat female race_eth fpl region any_chronic `var' using `var'.tex, ///
>                 show(all) cells(row) format(1) clab(Row%) ///
>                 svy percent stats(chi2) npos(lab) ptotal(single) replace ///
>                 style(tex) bt font(bold) topstr(18cm) topf(top.tex) botf(bot_Sweave.tex)
  3. }
Note: There actually about 20 variables in this loop; I shortened it to a single variable that this issue occurs with for cleanliness

Error received
Warning: not all panels have the same number of columns.
Include show(all) in your syntax to view panels.
and now for the fake table to visually show what is occuring.

Table 1. Fake Table (Row %) - These %s are actual %s
Homeless in past 3 years
Yes No Don't know Refused Total
19-35 20% 60% 2% 18% 100%
36-49 5% 84% 0% 1% 100%
50-64 1% 95% 2% 1% 100%
Male 34% 66% 0% 100%
Female 34% 66% 0% 100%

As one can see, the 'Refused' column shows the percentages for the 'Total' column instead of displaying 0s or being blank. When I run the code within Stata not outputting tables using -tabout-, it executes how it should. Any help trying to identify the mechanism that is causing this behavior, or a work around would be greatly appreciated.

I apologize if I did not include something that I should have. Thank you again and I hope you have a great day!