Hi, I would like to plot a graph titled "Crude Oil Production".

As I type in the code,

twoway (tsline prod) (tsline prod)
My y-axis should represent "thousands/barrels per day" and my a-axis should represent just "Time". I would like the title of my graph to be "Crude Oil Production". How do adjust the graph such that it looks visually appealing? Thank you.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double prod float quarter
        186711.262  80
        180178.766  81
177352.71399999998  82
        170559.397  83
        174857.764  84
        171108.527  85
        163286.206  86
        163488.111  87
        160989.567  88
156443.86599999998  89
        159611.264  90
        164434.824  91
        153310.765  92
156486.44900000002  93
        164302.674  94
        164605.643  95
        164153.994  96
        165061.171  97
        162176.609  98
          162643.7  99
        162028.947 100
        158327.001 101
        158664.904 102
        168608.079 103
166473.22699999998 104
168934.53100000002 105
        172350.508 106
        168033.956 107
        164769.948 108
        165920.939 109
        174807.596 110
        174125.008 111
171934.28100000002 112
        172768.772 113
        175755.531 114
        183838.293 115
        175564.164 116
        177058.898 117
180476.57499999998 118
        184409.505 119
        184182.692 120
        183453.713 121
         176993.41 122
        181410.575 123
        181545.512 124
        177388.592 125
        180221.009 126
        182367.965 127
        181448.259 128
        178378.865 129
179365.44700000001 130
        182011.144 131
        181865.472 132
         178769.34 133
        179861.936 134
181613.42799999999 135
182964.20799999998 136
        182422.467 137
        182699.688 138
        185977.517 139
        185790.527 140
        186371.934 141
        188185.484 142
        188852.387 143
         190357.05 144
        190337.814 145
         190983.22 146
        194136.985 147
196252.07799999998 148
        196071.689 149
197332.76399999997 150
        200003.548 151
203753.10499999998 152
        202135.964 153
198765.61899999998 154
        199816.677 155
         201287.25 156
        195203.928 157
197269.68099999998 158
        197912.355 159
200614.52899999998 160
        204108.412 161
        207764.073 162
        209796.799 163
207297.02399999998 164
        202418.966 165
204318.74800000002 166
203543.16999999998 167
        200810.498 168
        199853.901 169
        201566.733 170
        205235.472 171
207001.95899999997 172
        205559.939 173
        207323.448 174
        213611.499 175
215604.44300000003 176
216170.37800000003 177
219111.49300000002 178
        220239.175 179
format %tq quarter