I am trying scrutinize the relationship between regimetypes (political regimes eg. closed autocracy, hybridregime and liberal democracy) and the risk of civil war onset.

My data spans from 1946-2006 and includes all independent countries. It is thus panel data and therefore I wish to test for autocorrelation.

My understanding is that in order to test for autocorrelation in Stata you use the command xtserial after the regression. I used the following procedure:

. xtset country_name_numeric year
panel variable: country_name_numeric (unbalanced)
time variable: year, 1946 to 2006, but with gaps
delta: 1 unit

. xtlogit onset i.v2x_regime, or

. xtserial onset i.v2x_regime
command xtserial is unrecognized

What am I doing wrong since Stata does not recognize the command xtserial?

//Marco Liedecke

(FYI I am new to the forum)