
I am quite new to Stata and am trying to analyse some time series data but am having some issues with getting Stata to understand what i am asking

I have a variable - "Year" - which i generated from another variable - "Y" - using command: generate Year = date(Y, "Y"), after(Y)

This gave a list of days from Stata's base year as expected, but i could only format it into looking like's original form (which was a 4 digit year, e.x. 1988) by using command: format Year %tdcY,

which seemed odd but worked.

Now my problem is, when trying to list the observations if i use command: list Year if Year>2000 , it gives me all years from 1966 to 2015, so i guess Stata is still understanding 2000 as the days from January 1st 1960. Is there a way to change this so when i list observations from 2000 it will show them from the year 2000 not the days?

Any help would be much appreciated

Many thanks, Archie