Dear colleagues

I have a variable named Total Compensation1 and another called Affiliationindex1 (from which I created a variable named AffliationIndex1q using xtile to generate 4 quartiles) and I want to plot the trend between the two using the command stripplot.

I ran the following code:

stripplot TotalCompensation1, over(AffliationIndex1q)  cumul cumprob box centre vertical refline  yla( , ang(h)) xla(, noticks) xsc(titlegap(*5))
and generated this:


Although the trend is somewhat clear (if one looks at the means grey, lines) I wonder if any of you have an idea about changing the options of the command stripplotin order to zoom in and clearly show the trend? maybe by controlling the height so the max is 50k. I tried something like this:

stripplot TotalCompensation1, over(AffliationIndex1q)  cumul cumprob box centre vertical refline  yla(0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 , ang(h)) xla(, noticks) xsc(titlegap(*5))
but did not work, I also tried the ceiling and floor options (I guess I did not understand how they work).

Any Idea?
