Hi Users,

I think I may missing something simple so this may be trivial for some of you. I conducted a latent class analysis but am now looking to obtain statistically significant predictors of class membership. (If there are any) Here is my code thus far:

gsem ( legali subsidyi datai brandi insurancei marketi mandatei govti diffi diffi <- ), lclass (A 3)

estat lcgof
estat lcprob
estat lcmean

predict cpost*, classposteriorpr
egen max = rowmax(cpost*)
generate predclass = 1 if cpost1==max
replace predclass = 2 if cpost2==max
replace predclass = 3 if cpost3==max

Now I wish to see which explanatory variables (age, gender etc.) are significant predictors of class membership. Can someone advise? Thanks!

P.S. I concluded that 3 classes is appropriate (based off information criteria)