Dear statalist members,

in fact, I have got three questions concerning coefplot (Ben Jann, 2014) but the main question deals with rename().
I plot four models with AME for two waves using the following code:

coefplot (SE1, label(Settler)) (TE1, label(Target earner)) (YL1, label(Young & Learning)) ///
         (FR1, label(Family remigrants)), bylabel(Wave 1) ///
         || (SE2, label(Settler)) (TE2, label(Target earner)) (YL2, label(Young & Learning)) ///
         (FR2, label(Family remigrants)), bylabel(Wave 2) ///
         ||, rename(ident2 = ident1 PPRC2 = PPRC1 LANG2 = LANG1 ACT2 = ACT1) ///
         drop (durStay1 durStay2 age1 age2 *.sex) legend(row(2)) ///
         xline(0) ///
 coeflabels(ident1 = "{bf:Identification with Germany}" PPRC1 = "{bf:Time spent with Germans}" LANG1 = "{bf:Language proficiency}" ///
 , labsize(small)) legend(size(small)rows(2)) xlabel(,labsize(small)) ///
 headings(1.ACT* = `""{bf:Employment status}" "{it:(Ref.: unemployed)}""' ///
          2.motive = `""{bf:Migration motive}" "{it:(Ref.: Family)}""' ///
          1.EG = `""{bf:Ethnic group}" "{it:(Ref.: Poles)}""')
This is my result:


As ACT* (employment status) is measured in wave1 and wave2 there are different variable names in the wave 1 (ACT1) and wave 2 (ACT2) models.
That's why employment status is the last coefficient in the second subgraph - at first glance.
I tried to fix the problem, also for identification (ident*), time spent with Germans (PPRC*) and language proficiency (LANG*), by
It worked for all coefficients except ACT*. I have no clue why this is the case.

How can I change the font size of the reference categories (part of the heading which is in italics)?

How can I change the size of the gaps between the first three coefficients? I know the code is
, but I don't know where to put it in my code and how to specify the coefficients.

Thank you for any suggestions.