Dear Stata forum,

I have a question about the graph bar command. So far, I have been using the following command which gives me satisfactory results.

graph bar (mean) edu1 edu2 edu3 edu4 edu5 edu6 edu7, by(native)
Note that edu1 are education binary variables for edu1 ==1 having postgraduate degree and zero otherwise, edu2==1 having bachelor qualification and zero otherwise and so forth.
Native takes on seven discrete values from 0-6 with zero being natives, one being Indians and so forth.

Here is my problem: I would like to add another variable, average real hourly wage, for every of the seven groups (natives plus six immigrant groups). This does not appear to be a straightforward task because I need to inlude a second Y axis with a different scale for wages on the right hand side (assuming that on the left hand side I have the proportions of people with various educational qualifications).

Nick, I am sure you might have an idea, although I do know that you are not very happy that I have not included a data example. I hope Nick or anyone else can give me a hint on this.

Best wishes.
