
I am running two regressions and report coefficients by using esttab. I am trying to add two rows before a coefficient and want to have different labels in each column and row. In the first row, I need empty labels under both columns and in the second row, I need mean and standard deviation of a variable in column 1 and column 2 respectively. However, I can not report different labels and can only add one row. My code and the output are as follows:

clear all
sysuse auto.dta

eststo clear
regress price mpg trunk length, nocons
estimates store model1

regress price mpg weight gear_ratio displacement, nocons
estimates store model2

sum mpg
local var1 = r(mean)
local var2 = r(sd)

esttab model1 model2, se ar2 compress varwidth(30) replace nonumber b(1) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) refcat(mpg "Sum Stats (mpg)" "Mean SD", label(" " " " `var1' `var2'))


Thank you very much for your help in advance.
