Hi everyone,

I used spmat and xsmle to do spatial panel analysis and successfully run-

HTML Code:
xsmle $ylist $xlist, wmat(w) model(sdm) fe
xsmle $ylist $xlist, wmat(w) model(sdm) re
​​​​​​​xsmle $ylist $xlist, wmat(w) model(sar) fe
​​​​​​​xsmle $ylist $xlist, wmat(w) model(sar) re
​​​​​​​xsmle $ylist $xlist, emat(w) model(sem) fe
xsmle $ylist $xlist, wmat(w) emat(w) model(sac) fe
But as I run the following command I get an error message that initial values not feasible r(1400);
HTML Code:
​​​​​​​xsmle $ylist $xlist, emat(w) model(sem) re
Can you please advise how can I overcome the error?
