I have a data panel with information on natural disasters occurred in different municipalities and at different points in time. A municipality can have zero, one or more than one disaster during the period of time. For example, a municipality X suffered an earthquake in t, t+2 and t+5.

I want to measure the effect of the disaster on educational outcomes such as dropout rate. This by using a difference-in-differences model with time varying differentiation.

I need help in testing the parallel trends assumption. Any advice on how to do it given the setting? I’ll appreciate it a lot
year municipality disasters
2011 A 24
2012 A 10
2013 A 32
2014 A 27
2015 A 21
2016 A 20
2017 A 15
2011 B 1
2012 B 1
2013 B 0
2014 B 0
2015 B 3
2016 B 1
2017 B 0