Hi all,

I'm attempting to test for a trend in age category and other ordinal variables on my dependent variable after running a logistic regression with multiply imputed data. I am able to test whether a collection of coefficients are zero with the
mi test
command, however this doesn't test for the overall trend (to my knowledge). Would someone mind providing syntax for how I might do so?

Here is a sample of my code, if that's helpful:
mi estimate, dots saving(depmicov, replace): meqrlogit suithink i.visit##i.controlgroup i.sex i.age_4cat ||phc_name: || pid: if cohort==1, or
mi test 2.visit 3.visit
mi test  1.controlgroup#2.visit  1.controlgroup#3.visit
mi test 2.age_4cat 3.age_4cat 4.age_4cat

Much appreciated,