I am looking at houses on each side of a designated geographical boundary.

Does anyone know how to match house characteristics on either side of the boundary?

I have the following variables:
boundary - identifies which boundary the house belongs to.
treatment - identifies which houses are on the treated/control side of the boundary
bedrooms - number of bedrooms
baths - number of bathrooms
parking - number of car spaces

I have only been able to identify whether duplicates exist at the boundary level - see following command. I am unsure how to break this down and compare each side of the boundary.

 sort boundary bedrooms baths parking
quietly by boundary bedrooms baths parking: gen dup = cond(_N==1, 0,_n)
drop if dup==0

Essentially, I aim to ensure that if a house with x bedrooms, x baths and x parking spaces exists in the control group for boundary x, then a house with x bedrooms, x baths and x parking spaces exists in the treatment group for boundary x.