Hi, thanks for your help in advance.
I have the following dataset. And I come up with the following code:

egen t=max(dateday_count)
forvalues i=1/762{
gen k_`i'=.
gen ref_`i'=.

levelsof dateday_count, local(levels) 
foreach i of local levels {
        forvalue x=1/`i'{
        bys permno (dateday): replace k_`x'=adjvol[_n-`x']*exp(total_log_rev_turnover-total_log_rev_turnover[_n-`x'+1]) if dateday_count==`i'
        by permno: replace ref_`x' = adjprc[_n-`x']*k_`x' if dateday_count==`i'

In words, what I am trying to do is, looping over the value of variable dateday_count, and for each row, I want to do
forvalue x=1/"dateday_count"{
bys permno (dateday): replace k_`x'=adjvol[_n-`x']*exp(total_log_rev_turnover-total_log_rev_turnover[_n-`x'+1]) 
by permno: replace ref_`x' = adjprc[_n-`x']*k_`x'
More specifically, for row 12 for permno 10001, I want to do
forvalue x=1/12{
bys permno (dateday): replace k_`x'=adjvol[_n-`x']*exp(total_log_rev_turnover-total_log_rev_turnover[_n-`x'+1]) 
by permno: replace ref_`x' = adjprc[_n-`x']*k_`x'
I am moderately confident that my code is doing the job. However, I am wondering, is there any faster way for me to loop over the numeric value of dateday_count straightaway, and choose it as the looping variable. So I do not have to use "if dateaday_cout==`i'" command.

In the dataex, I only attached the sample from single permno, you need to remove the "bys permno" part of my code.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double(permno dateday) float(adjvol adjprc total_log_rev_turnover) double dateday_count
10001 10595     0 2.1041667          0   1
10001 10596  7200 2.0833333          0   2
10001 10597  6150 2.1666667          0   3
10001 10598  2100 2.0416667 -1.2086598   4
10001 10601   600 2.1666667 -1.4323044   5
10001 10602 17250 2.1666667 -1.4323044   6
10001 10603  1500 2.0833333 -2.1274576   7
10001 10604   330 2.0833333  -2.244239   8
10001 10605  1500 2.1666667  -2.939392   9
10001 10608   300 2.1666667 -3.0449755  10
10001 10609  3000 2.0833333 -3.0449755  11
10001 10610  1500 2.1666667  -3.740129  12
10001 10611     0     2.125  -3.740129  13
10001 10612  1500 2.0833333  -4.435282  14
10001 10615   600 2.1666667  -4.658927  15
10001 10616  2982 2.0833333  -10.17839  16
10001 10617   390 2.0833333 -10.317952  17
10001 10618  3300 2.1666667 -10.317952  18
10001 10619     0     2.125 -10.317952  19
10001 10622 17700     2.125 -10.317952  20
10001 10623  7575 2.1666667 -10.317952  21
10001 10624   600 2.1666667  -.2236447  22
10001 10625  6900 2.1666667  -.2236447  23
10001 10626 13500 2.1666667  -.2236447  24
10001 10629 17100 2.1666667  -.2236447  25
10001 10630  5400 2.0833333  -.2236447  26
10001 10631 16200     2.125  -.2236447  27
10001 10632  6000     2.125  -.2236447  28
10001 10633     0     2.125  -.2236447  29
10001 10636  3600 2.0833333  -.2236447  30
10001 10637  3210 2.1666667  -.2236447  31
10001 10638  2100 2.1666667 -1.4323044  32
10001 10639 10080 2.1666667 -1.4323044  33
10001 10640 12816     2.125 -1.4323044  34
10001 10644  8400 2.1666667 -1.4323044  35
10001 10645 12000 2.1666667 -1.4323044  36
10001 10646     0 2.2083333 -1.4323044  37
10001 10647  3000 2.1666667 -1.4323044  38
10001 10650   900      2.25 -1.7898387  39
10001 10651  3300      2.25 -1.7898387  40
10001 10652  3900      2.25          0  41
10001 10653  1200     2.125  -.5121625  42
10001 10654  1350      2.25 -1.1116405  43
10001 10657  3000      2.25 -1.1116405  44
10001 10658 11400      2.25 -1.1116405  45
10001 10659   900      2.25 -1.4691747  46
10001 10660  7800      2.25 -1.4691747  47
10001 10661   450 2.2916667 -1.6320474  48
10001 10664  3600 2.1666667 -1.6320474  49
10001 10665  2550 2.1666667 -3.5405884  50
10001 10666   300 2.2916667 -3.6461716  51
10001 10667  4800 2.2916667 -3.6461716  52
10001 10668  1200 2.2083333 -4.1583343  53
10001 10671  4800 2.2083333 -4.1583343  54
10001 10672 13500 2.2083333 -4.1583343  55
10001 10673  5160 2.3333333 -4.1583343  56
10001 10674  2700      2.25   -6.47912  57
10001 10678  1500 2.3333333  -7.174273  58
10001 10679   600 2.3333333  -7.397918  59
10001 10680     0 2.2916667  -7.397918  60
10001 10681     0 2.2916667  -7.397918  61
10001 10682  1500      2.25  -8.093071  62
10001 10685     0 2.2916667          0  63
10001 10686  4950 2.3333333          0  64
10001 10687   900 2.3333333  -.3575342  65
10001 10688  5400 2.3333333  -.3575342  66
10001 10689  1050      2.25  -.7893968  67
10001 10692  4650 2.3333333  -.7893968  68
10001 10693  5400      2.25  -.7893968  69
10001 10694  1500      2.25   -1.48455  70
10001 10695  3900      2.25   -1.48455  71
10001 10696 10800  2.416667   -1.48455  72
10001 10699  9000  2.416667   -1.48455  73
10001 10700  5940 2.2916667   -1.48455  74
10001 10701  1980 2.2916667 -2.5672574  75
10001 10702  1500  2.416667 -3.2624106  76
10001 10703  1500  2.416667  -3.957564  77
10001 10706  2100  2.416667  -5.166224  78
10001 10707  5400       2.5  -5.166224  79
10001 10708  2400       2.5   -6.78371  80
10001 10709  1500       2.5  -7.478863  81
10001 10710 23250  2.416667  -7.478863  82
10001 10713 14910     2.375          0  83
10001 10714  7800  2.416667          0  84
10001 10715 84111       2.5          0  85
10001 10716 19350  2.416667          0  86
10001 10717     0  2.458333          0  87
10001 10720  8550       2.5          0  88
10001 10721  3900  2.416667          0  89
10001 10722 17499     2.375          0  90
10001 10723   900     2.375  -.3575342  91
10001 10724  3000  2.416667  -.3575342  92
10001 10727   900       2.5  -.7150685  93
10001 10728  2700  2.458333  -3.035854  94
10001 10729     0  2.395833  -3.035854  95
10001 10730  3900 2.3333333  -3.035854  96
10001 10731   600  2.416667  -3.259499  97
10001 10734     0     2.375  -3.259499  98
10001 10735  9600 2.3333333  -3.259499  99
10001 10736   600  2.416667  -3.483144 100
format %d dateday