Hi everyone,

I am trying to list the string values of two varlists (med_other_ind* and med_name*) with the coherent results next to each other, if the first variable contains specific pieces of text ("vit", "tilskud", "osteo" or "forebyg"). I have 20 coherent varlists, and I could do like this:

list med_other_ind1 med_name1 if strpos(med_other_ind1, "vit") | ///
strpos(med_other_ind1, "tilskud") | strpos(med_other_ind1, "osteo") | ///
strpos(med_other_ind1, "forebyg")
list med_other_ind2 med_name2 if strpos(med_other_ind2, "vit") | ///
strpos(med_other_ind2, "tilskud") | strpos(med_other_ind2, "osteo") | ///
strpos(med_other_ind2, "forebyg")

and so on with 20 repetitions in total.

But there must be an easier or smarter way to do it :-)

I have tried with both foreach and forvalues commands, but I only know how to incorporate one of the varlists into the commands. Then I do not get the coherent results as I do with the many commands described above - I get all results from both in a big mess or en error in STATA, eg.

forvalues med_other_ind = 1/20 {
list `med_other_ind' if strpos(`x', "vit") | strpos(`x', "tilskud") ///
| strpos(`x', "osteo") | strpos(`x', "forebyg")

I know that x is not defined, but I don't know how to do it.

So please, can anybody help me? Thank you in advance!

Regards, Thomas Prior