Below is my data and variable name "salary21" means salary of PID 21, and each values indicate individuals' income in each year(1980~1999).
I am trying to generate/replace a new variable by comparing public median income with each person's income in each year.
Below code is what I've tried and what it should be look like.
It perfectly worked but what I am struggling with is to make every PID's income variable in the same way.
In my real data there are thousands of PID (individuals), thus it is impossible to write down below code thousands of times...

*The code I've tried*
generate salary_21= "Unemp" if salary21 == 0 replace salary_21= "(1)" if salary21 < medi_inc*2/3 & salary21 ~= 0 replace salary_21= "(2)" if salary21 >= medi_inc*2/3 & salary21 < income replace salary_21= "(3)" if salary21 > medi_inc
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float year int(salary21 salary22 salary41 salary42 salary51 salary52 salary61 salary62 salary71) double medi_inc 1980 100 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 0 126.0188 1981 100 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 155.0617 1982 100 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 185.158 1983 100 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 210.667 1984 100 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 231.525 1985 100 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 248.425 1986 50 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 275 1987 50 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 300 1988 50 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 359.417 1989 50 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 433.625 1990 0 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 514.742 1991 0 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 620.108 1992 150 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 757.917 1993 150 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 843.417 1994 150 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 940.833 1995 150 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 1065.25 1996 150 160 0 400 420 205 302 0 250 1188.833 1997 150 160 0 400 420 205 350 0 250 1310.5 1998 150 160 0 400 420 205 100 0 250 1322.5 1999 150 160 0 400 420 205 100 0 0 1361.167 end
Thanks a lot!!!

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