
I have a panel data of 26 countries and 21 years, but I am only concerned with 38 observations. The main variables of interest are a, b and c, which are interaction terms in spline form. The following is what I obtain (all the variables are statistically significant), can you please let me know how to interpret them or how can I estimate this small sample:

 glm vote a b c previousvote coalition right left govtexpr
>  govtexpl govtexpc gdp gdpgrowth gdppercapita inflat
> ion unemployment illiteracy i.country, fa(b) link(logit) vce(robust)
note: vote has noninteger values

Iteration 0:   log pseudolikelihood =   -14.9742  
Iteration 1:   log pseudolikelihood = -14.955528  
Iteration 2:   log pseudolikelihood = -14.955446  
Iteration 3:   log pseudolikelihood = -14.955446  

Generalized linear models                         No. of obs      =         38
Optimization     : ML                             Residual df     =         34
                                                  Scale parameter =          1
Deviance         =  8.42197e-16                   (1/df) Deviance =   2.48e-17
Pearson          =  3.74438e-16                   (1/df) Pearson  =   1.10e-17

Variance function: V(u) = u*(1-u/1)               [Binomial]
Link function    : g(u) = ln(u/(1-u))             [Logit]

                                                  AIC             =   .9976551
Log pseudolikelihood = -14.95544633               BIC             =  -123.6779

                   |               Robust
             vote |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
              a |   74.80361   8.51e-08  8.8e+08   0.000     74.80361    74.80361
              b |  -26.26746   2.26e-08 -1.2e+09   0.000    -26.26746   -26.26746
              c |   73.66431   7.69e-09  9.6e+09   0.000     73.66431    73.66431
     previousvote |   -1.20297   3.48e-10 -3.5e+09   0.000     -1.20297    -1.20297
         coalition |  -.0847244   5.00e-10 -1.7e+08   0.000    -.0847244   -.0847244
      right |   3.102455   1.08e-09  2.9e+09   0.000     3.102455    3.102455
      left |   1.619646   1.66e-09  9.7e+08   0.000     1.619646    1.619646
         govtexpr |   5.210685   1.32e-08  4.0e+08   0.000     5.210685    5.210685
         govtexpl |   7.271918   1.30e-08  5.6e+08   0.000     7.271918    7.271918
         govtexpc |   10.33364   9.53e-09  1.1e+09   0.000     10.33364    10.33364
        gdp |   41.34051   4.17e-08  9.9e+08   0.000     41.34051    41.34051
gdpgrowth |   11.10806   1.30e-08  8.5e+08   0.000     11.10806    11.10806
gdppercap~a |  -.6511851   1.86e-10 -3.5e+09   0.000    -.6511851   -.6511851
  inflation |  -14.94398   9.63e-09 -1.6e+09   0.000    -14.94398   -14.94398
unemploym~t |  -12.42717   7.46e-09 -1.7e+09   0.000    -12.42717   -12.42717
 illiteracy |   7.969718   1.40e-08  5.7e+08   0.000     7.969718    7.969718
           country |
                2  |  -2.443257   6.08e-08 -4.0e+07   0.000    -2.443257   -2.443257
                3  |  -.9804617   2.66e-09 -3.7e+08   0.000    -.9804617   -.9804617
                5  |  -.6115759   1.99e-09 -3.1e+08   0.000    -.6115759   -.6115759
                6  |   .6141337   2.62e-10  2.3e+09   0.000     .6141337    .6141337
                7  |   .4435143   3.84e-09  1.2e+08   0.000     .4435143    .4435143
                8  |   .4853522   1.16e-09  4.2e+08   0.000     .4853522    .4853522
                9  |  -9.522004   9.61e-09 -9.9e+08   0.000    -9.522004   -9.522004
               10  |  -11.81219   1.13e-08 -1.0e+09   0.000    -11.81219   -11.81219
               11  |  -.3736216   4.62e-10 -8.1e+08   0.000    -.3736216   -.3736216
               12  |  -.4815581   2.90e-09 -1.7e+08   0.000    -.4815581   -.4815581
               13  |   2.362357   2.16e-09  1.1e+09   0.000     2.362357    2.362357
               17  |   5.388477   1.20e-09  4.5e+09   0.000     5.388477    5.388477
               18  |  -.0272883   1.19e-09 -2.3e+07   0.000    -.0272883   -.0272883
               19  |  -2.225435   1.63e-09 -1.4e+09   0.000    -2.225435   -2.225435
               20  |  -2.206832   1.32e-09 -1.7e+09   0.000    -2.206832   -2.206832
               21  |  -.6031301   9.51e-10 -6.3e+08   0.000    -.6031301   -.6031301
               23  |   .8808135   3.75e-09  2.3e+08   0.000     .8808135    .8808135
               24  |   .5304998   3.41e-09  1.6e+08   0.000     .5304998    .5304998
               25  |  -3.113585   2.36e-09 -1.3e+09   0.000    -3.113585   -3.113585
               26  |  -.1508862   7.78e-10 -1.9e+08   0.000    -.1508862   -.1508862
               27  |  -7.352184   6.55e-09 -1.1e+09   0.000    -7.352184   -7.352184
             _cons |  -3.575941   7.12e-09 -5.0e+08   0.000    -3.575941   -3.575941

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