
I am trying to complete a homework assignment for a coding class where I have to "use bpsystol and bpdiast and JNC 7 report to create a categorical variable for bp_group: normal, pre-hypertension, stage 1, stage 2."
Category Systolic BP (bpsystol) Diastolic BP (bpdiast)
Normal < 120 < 80
Pre-hypertension 120 <= bpsystol < 140 80 <= bpdiast < 90
Stage 1 140 <= bpsystol < 160 90 <= bpdiast < 100
Stage 2 bpstol >= 160 bpdiast >=100
I have tried coding this in a couple different ways, but it's not coming out the way I want. If one observation has a systolic bp of 110 but a diastolic bp of 85, they should be categorized as pre-hypertension, but that's not what's happening.

My most recent attempt used:

gen bp_group=.
replace bp_group = 1 if (bpsystol < 120) | (bpdiast < 80)
replace bp_group = 2 if (inrange(bpsystol, 120, 139)) | (inrange(bpdiast, 80, 89))
replace bp_group = 3 if (inrange(bpsystol, 140, 159)) | (inrange(bpdiast, 90, 99))
replace bp_group = 4 if (bpsystol >= 160) | (bpdiast >= 100)
replace bp_group = . if bpsystol == . | bpdiast == .

When I used tabstat to check my work, it produced this:


So, the minimum boundary is not being followed in my code. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong/missing. Please help!