Hi all,

I am trying to use the ATUS (American Time Use Survey) Well-being dataset. The ATUS site provides a do file for me to run, however I keep getting a syntax error when I try to run it.

. do "C:\Users\heatf\Downloads\wbact_2013\wbact_2013.do "

. #delimit ;
delimiter now ;
.  cd "C:\Users\heatf\Downloads\wbact_2013"
> insheet tucaseid tuactivity_n wufnactwt wufnactwtc wuhapord wuhappy wuinteract
> wumeaning wupain wupnord wusad wusadord wustress wustrord wutired wutrdord usin
> g wbact_2013.dat, names comma
> *Labeling
> label variable tuactivity_n "Activity line number";
invalid syntax
I have no idea where the syntax error is, as I am a newbie to Stata. I would appreciate some help on this matter.


Benjamin Vu