Dear all,

I have the following three locals:
local house "1 2 3 4"
local garden "1 2 3"
local cat " 4 2 3 1"
Using the following code:
local same : list house === cat
display "`same'"
local distinct : list house === garden
display "`distinct'"
Stata tells me (by displaying 1 and 0, respectively), that cat and house contain the same elements whereas house and garden do not. However, I am not only interested in whether two locals contain the same elements but in case they do not, I would also like to know 1.) which elements are different and 2.) in which local those unique elements are contained. Ideally, I would like to have a new local containing those elements that are contained in one local but not in the other (e.g. 4 is contained in house but not in garden, thus, I would like to have another local difference that contains the 4 as only element. Additionally, it would be great if Stata could tell me that the 4 is contained in house but not in garden.)

Any ideas/solutions how to implement that?

Thank you very much in advance.
