Dear all,

I have conducted a labelled choice experiment with labels=engine type (gasoline, EV, HEV), and two attributes: availability of vehicle (in minutes from current location) and price of the vehicle.
I am interested in how a treatment randomly allocated to part of the sample influences their choice of engine.
To find probability of choosing EV or HEV over gasoline (the base category) I ran an asclogit on Stata with engine type as the ASC. However, I am not sure how to include the treatment: should it be interacted with the attribute levels or with the demographics (i.e. the case-specific variables)?

Otherwise, I could run a simple clogit and include the ASCs for EV and HEV and then interact these terms with the treatment, but then is there a way of retrieving probability of choosing an EV or HEV from these coefficients/their WTP?

I hope my question is clear.
Thanks to everyone who will answer!