
I am stuck at plotting the marginal effect of the factor variable i.Left_right_placement regarding the following regression:

xi: reg index_EU_support budgetbalance15 membership_length Political_discussions_index i.Gender Age Education i.Left_right_placement i.Community c.budgetbalance15#i.Left_right_placement i.country, vce(robust)

I tried this using the grinter command

grinter budgetbalance15, inter(c.budgetbalance15#i.Left_right_placement) const02(i.Left_right_placement)

but I am having trouble as i.Left_right_placement is coded
1: being politically orientated toward the left-wing,
2: being orientated politically toward the center and
3: being orientated politically toward the right-wing.

The prefix i. is causing trouble. (Regarding my interaction with dummies and continous variables, the grinter command worked perfectly!)

Does anyone have a hint for me how to do this? I am grateful for any advice.

Thank you