I am running different regularized estimators, elasticnet and linear lasso. I want to plot Cross-validation plots for both of them. I would like to have the cross validation plots be on the same graph but I don't know how to do it with the cvplot command.

lasso linear hotspot_150miEB std_aod std_d_6d std_d_pm_natt std_f_naics_* 
eststo lassolinear
elasticnet linear hotspot_150miEB     std_aod std_d_6d std_d_pm_natt std_f_naics_* alpha(0) 
eststo ridge 
cvplot ridge 
cvplot lassolinear
I want cvplot ridge and cvplotlinear to be on the same graph. I tried:
cvplot lassolinear ridge
cvplot lassolinear || cvplot ridge
But the first line above does not work and the second one is not the outcome I am looking for.

Thank you in advance for your help!