Dear Statlist,

I am trying to make a Kaplan Meier Plot showing survival up to 100 days for all patients, and then starting at 100 days with only those patients who survived up to that time.

It is quite straightforward to make 2 separate plots:

stset followup_time, failure(PatientDeath) scale(365.25)
sts graph, by(Drug) tmax(0.27378507871321) xline(0.27378507871321, lpattern(dash)) xtitle(Time (years)) xla(0(1)6) legend(order(1 "Active Drug" 2 "Placebo")) plot1opts(lpattern(solid) lcolor(red)) plot2opts(lpattern(solid) lcolor(blue)) name(KM_1,replace)

keep if followup_time>=100
stset followup_time, failure(PatientDeath) scale(365.25)
sts graph, by(Drug) tmin(0.27378507871321) xline(0.27378507871321, lpattern(dash)) xtitle(Time (years)) xla(0(1)6) legend(order(1 "Active Drug" 2 "Placebo")) plot1opts(lpattern(solid) lcolor(red)) plot2opts(lpattern(solid) lcolor(blue)) name(KM_2,replace)
KM_1.gph [ATTACH]temp_21837_1617003887376_637[/ATTACH]
KM_2.gph [ATTACH]temp_21838_1617003909217_464[/ATTACH]

My question is, how can I combine these two graphs into 1, not separate panels, but just 1 panel showing both curves. I tried "graph combine" and "addplot" options, but nothing seems to work.

Thanks for your advice and kind regards,
