Hi all,

I'm making a set of different scatters using the following code:

 foreach x in physical_strength conceptualisation serving_attending managing_coordinating latitude control_ext control_int teamwork repetitiveness technical_c bureaucratic_c {
twoway (scatter `x' log_wage if year==2005, msize(small) msymbol(circle_hollow) mcolor(ebblue)) (scatter `x' log_wage if year==2016, msize(small) msymbol(circle_hollow) mcolor(orange)) , legend(label(1 "2005") label(2 "2016") size(medsmall)) xtitle("log wage", size(medsmall)) ytitle("task score", size(medsmall)) xlabel(, labsize(medsmall)) ylabel(, labsize(medsmall)) title("`x'", size(medsmall)) name(`x', replace) nodraw xsize(20) ysize(20) 
In this way - using xsize(20) and ysize(20) I have squared graphs, which is what I would like. However, once I try to combine them with the command:
 grc1leg physical_strength  conceptualisation  serving_attending managing_coordinating, xcommon legendfrom(conceptualisation)
whatever I try, they change their shape and are no more squares. Is it possible to maintain the exact shape I specify in the twoway scatter when combining using grc1leg? Is there any way to fix the square shape of the scatters?

Thanks all!