Hello There,

I am exploring the causal effect of maternal education on child health. My dependent variable is binary. It indicates whether children under 6 months of age are exclusively breastfef (1=exclusiveky breastfed; 0=otherwise).
To account for the endoeneity of maternal education, I utilize a compulsory education law. My IV is also a binary variable. It is reform exposure and it indicates whether the mothers were exposed the law. My education variable is also dummy and it shows whether the mothers received 8 years of education or not (1=8 yearsor more; 0= less than 8 years). I am using 2 rounds of Turkish DHS. I pooled them. I am using STATA 14.

My code is as follows:

ivprobit exclusive_BF (completionof8years=reformexpsosure) X1 X2 X3 ... where X1 X2 and X3 are my explanatory variables.

However, stata says that ivprobit assumes that the endogenous covariates are continuous and so are not appropriate for use with discrete endogenous covariates.

As a result, my code becomes useless (I guess?).

Can anybody please help me? How can I run ivprobit model and interpret the results?

Thank you so much