I am trying to create a loop where the new variable depends on year and row of the old variable. However if I use the row operator I get an error message. Without the row operator the code works fine. So I think it is the combination of subtracting a number in the name of a variable and the row operator.

here is the code for the fool loop

foreach y of numlist 2000/2015{
foreach n of numlist 0/17{
    replace newvar_`n'_`y'=oldvar_`y'-`n'[_n-`n']
here is the code just for year 2000 that should help to understand what I am trying to do. I need to do that for years 2000-2015

    replace newvar_0_2000 =oldvar_2000[_n-0]
    replace newvar_1_2000 =oldvar_1999[_n-1]
    replace newvar_2_2000 =oldvar_1998[_n-2]
    replace newvar_3_2000 =oldvar_1997[_n-3]
    replace newvar_4_2000 =oldvar_1996[_n-4]
    replace newvar_5_2000 =oldvar_1995[_n-5]
    replace newvar_6_2000 =oldvar_1994[_n-6]
    replace newvar_7_2000 =oldvar_1993[_n-7]
    replace newvar_8_2000 =oldvar_1992[_n-8]
    replace newvar_9_2000 =oldvar_1991[_n-9]
    replace newvar_10_2000=oldvar_1990[_n-10]
    replace newvar_11_2000=oldvar_1989[_n-11]
    replace newvar_12_2000=oldvar_1988[_n-12]
    replace newvar_13_2000=oldvar_1987[_n-13]
    replace newvar_14_2000=oldvar_1986[_n-14]
    replace newvar_15_2000=oldvar_1985[_n-15]
    replace newvar_16_2000=oldvar_1984[_n-16]
    replace newvar_17_2000=oldvar_1983[_n-17]