I am fairly new to Stata and am having trouble even starting on this problem. I am working with the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics dataset. I am having some trouble with the household roster section. Individuals who belong to a household are recorded each year and given an identifying number (i.e. 1 for mother, 2 for father, 3 for sister, etc.). I was interested in isolating the siblings. Doing this, though, has left me with many missing values and sibling variables that go up to 40 because the number of household members changes from year to year.

I found some code on another forum that does this.


However, the code here changes my numbers from 13-26 to 1-8. Additionally, it increased the number of variables I had. Originally, I had 30 sibling in 1997 and after running the code I had 37. How do I fix the code so these do not happen?