Hi everyone,

I am running a two way fixed effects regression with state and year fixed effects. I would like to add a state-specific linear time trend and so I have a few questions on this:

1. I believe this can be achieved with interacting state with year in addition to having the individual state and year fixed effects. What is the correct way to specify this?

reghdfe outcome treatment, absorb(c.year#i.statefip) vce(cluster statefip)

reghdfe outcome treatment, absorb(i.year#i.statefip) vce(cluster statefip)

2. When specified as i.year#i.statefip, the treatment variable is dropped because of collinearity. Would you happen to know why this is happening and if so, is there a way around it? Is it because i.year is stripping out a lot of variation?

3. Finally, how would I go about adding a quadratic state year trend in light of the above?

Many thanks in advance for your help!