I am doing some work and have the following command for an instrumental varial regression with panel data. I have 1052 observations per year for 17 years. I am using Stata 17 on mac 12.1

tab year, gen(anio)

for varlist anio*: gen aptoX= porcentaje_apto*X

gen paptoyear= porcentaje_apto*year

xi: xtivreg mortalidad_porhab (hectareas_sembrada=papto) i.year i.fips, first
I have panel data where year goes from 2003 to 2019, porcentaje_apto is percentage of municipality where a certain tree can be grown (it does not change from year to year) , mortalidad_porhab is infant death rate for each municipality per year, hectareas_sembrada is how many hectares of the tree are grown for each municipality per year and fips is the ID for each municipality.

Problem is i have too many dummies which makes stata run very slow with this code.

Is there a way to get same results without the need of the dummies?
I've also tried
xtivreg mortalida_porhab (hectareas_sembrada= paptoyear), fe first
but i don't get same results so dont know if i am doing somenthing wrong.
thanks for any tips you can provide