Hello Stata community;
I have 2 Stata datasets: one is called Republicans, and the other one is Sunspots.
Example of Republicans data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int Year byte Number_Republicans
1961 36
1963 34
1965 32
1967 36
1969 43
1971 44
1973 42
1975 37
1977 38
1979 41

Example of Sunspots data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int Year double Sunspots_Number
1960 112.3
1961  53.9
1962  37.6
1963  27.9
1964  10.2
1965  15.1
1966    47
1967  93.8
1968 105.9
1969 105.5
1970 104.5
1971  66.6
1972  68.9
1973    38
1974  34.5
1975  15.5
1976  12.6
1977  27.5
1978  92.5
1979 155.4
1980 154.6
As you can see, both datasets have the same X axis (Year), but different Y axis (Republicans number for the first dataset, Sunspots number for the second), my goal is to draw a 2-line graph showing the evolution of Sunspots number and Republicans number. Since both of the datasets have the same X-axis, the idea of merging them comes to mind already, I wanna know if merging the 2 datasets is correct (I think it is), second, I would to get help on how to draw the 2-line grapgh, I would love to have the Sunspots number on the left Y axis, and the Republicans number on the right Y axis, and both of those Y variables don't have the same scale.

Thanks very much for your help.