Hi all, I am currently doing research, so I will use a sample example from this link to ask my question: https://blog.uvm.edu/tbplante/2019/0...ith-table1_mc/

I am using Stata/SE 17.0.

The syntax is as follows:
table1_mc, by(myexposure) ///
vars( ///
age contn %4.0f \ ///
sex0m1f bin %4.0f \ ///
race0w1b bin %4.0f \ ///
region123 cat %4.0f \ ///
educ1234 cat %4.0f \ ///
income1234 cat %4.0f \ ///
sbp contn %4.0f \ ///
dbp contn %4.0f \ ///
smoke7_ideal bin %4.0f \ ///
pa7_ideal bin %4.0f \ ///
diet7_ideal bin %4.0f \ ///
chol7_ideal bin %4.0f \ ///
fpg7_ideal bin %4.0f \ ///
bmi7_ideal bin %4.0f \ ///
bp7_ideal bin %4.0f \ ///
) ///
nospace percent onecol missing total(before) ///
saving("table 1.xlsx", replace)

Question: I have no problem using this syntax and saving this into an excel sheet. However, I am having trouble taking that Table 1 output from the table1_mc command, and being able to directly export the output into my pdf report (putpdf series of commands). Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this or how to make it work?

Thank you in advance!