Hello everyone, I ask for advice on the calculation of the sample size ... From a previous study (which considered 56 highly preterm infants) it was found that these infants have on average the value of the "slc684" gene (mean=0.07 (SD = 1.23)). We have only one group.
Is this command I wrote to define the sample size correct? #sampsi 0.07 0.9, sd1(1.23) onesample Estimated sample size for one-sample comparison of mean to hypothesized value Test Ho: m = .07, where m is the mean in the population Assumptions: alpha = 0.0500 (two-sided) power = 0.9000 alternative m = .9 sd = 1.23 Estimated required sample size: n = 24 #
I have entered the value 0.9 as an alternative hypothesis. it's correct? tHANKS TO EVERYBODY