Dear all,
First of all, happy new year!
I am writing to ask a question about using a loop with `if', combined with preserve/restore.
The following posts are what I have read so far:
I have a program defined as `match', which requires one argument:
capture program drop match
program define match
keep if ~~~
by var1 : ~~~
Using the program above, I want to do a loop using forvalues:
forvalues t=100(1)200{
if t==100 {
match `t'
save data.dta, replace
else {
match `t'
append using data.dta
save data.dta, replace
If I run this code, however, I get `data.dta not found' and the loop stops right away.
This loop works only if data.dta is already saved: Thus, I am running the loop after I saved an empty dta file using a command below:
save data.dta, replace emptyok
Although I got it solved, but I want to know why it needs an empty dta file first; should not `replace' option enough to ensure save command to run, if there is no data.dta file?
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