Hello Stata Users,
I have been trying to import previously imputed data (m=0, 1,2,…..20) using mi import command. The data set includes the original un-imputed data(m=0) which has missing values and 20 (m=1,2,3.....20) imputed datasets. Below is my code:

mi import flong, m(imp_number) id(record_id) imputed(v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6)

When I run the above code it returns with an error message.

“variable record_id has invalid values
record_id takes on at least one value if imp_number>0 that it does not if imp_number==0”

However, the same code works if I delete the original data and import only imputed datasets. But the problem is it takes first imputed dataset (m=1 reads as m=0) as original and takes remaining 19 imputed dataset which is not correct.

Can anyone please help me in importing the data with the original included?

Thanks in advance.